
Krista Tippett’s OnBeing featured an excerpt from the introduction of All Creation Waits in an Advent post.

An episode of the beautifully produced Constant Wonder podcast on All Creation Waits.

A podcast interview with Spirit * Soul * Body hosts Richard Dahlstrom and Abby Odio on All Creation Waits.

A podcast interview with The Language of God host Jim Stump on Wild Hope.

An interview with Nathan Aaberg of “Whole Faith Living Earth” on Wild Hope.

This list in Christianity Today names All Creation Waits one of the top 5 books on the connection between God and animals.

In this article in the Christian Century, All Creation Waits was one of 10 books chosen to answer the question, “What book would you describe as beautiful?”

review of Wild Hope in The Reformed Journal.

review of Wild Hope in Spectrum. 


See Facebook for the latest on All Creation Waits and Wild Hope.